FINDRS Remindrs
These updated procedures also mean that you will be utilizing services through FINDRS more than ever before!
Here are some helpful reminders:
- Procedures and policy are defined in the CPS Policy 3222 Diligent Search for Possible Relative or Fictive Kin Placement
- Take a look at this policy here!
- FINDRS even has its own page on the Safety Net with numerous helpful tips and resources!
- You will also request a search and access all of the necessary forms to conduct a search
- Follow the link below and bookmark it to use it when you really need it!
FINDRS Site on the DFPS Safety Net
Remember Though: Policy 6123 requires not only just doing the diligent search request with FINDRS, but actively performing the diligent search actions for everyone listed in the policy AND sending form 2134 Notice to Relatives and Potential Caregivers of Removal of Children to each person when they are located!
To refresh yourself on Policy 6123 click the link!