Written Evaluation From FACN
There are three determinations FACN physicians use when explaining if the injuries reported are related to abuse or neglect of the child.
These three determinations include:
• Substantial – Based on the medical evidence and information provided for the case, the finding(s) cannot be reasonably explained by anything other than maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical neglect, supervisory neglect, medical neglect, Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy or another factitious disorder).
• Concerning – Based on the medical evidence and information provided for the case, there is concern for maltreatment.
• Non-specific - Based on the medical evidence and information provided for the case, the injuries or medical concerns may result from abuse or neglect, but accidental/natural explanations are also possible.
Most Important To Remember
- The determination is just one part of the case.
- Like the FACN physician's report, the determination is not used as the sole determinant of the case's outcome.
- Use all information available to you including the FACN report and determination to help you decide the next steps for the case.