When Caseworkers MUST Make a Referral


Caseworkers MUST make a referral in the following circumstances:

white clipboard with check marks and a cross symbolon a blue background  • There does not appear to be any reasonable explanation for an injury, or the explanation is not consistent with the injury

• A child requires an in-person forensic assessment examination

• Assistance is needed to determine whether abuse or neglect has occurred

• There is a difference of opinion between a medical professional and DFPS regarding whether abuse or neglect occurred, or about the seriousness of an injury or condition, and clarification is needed

White question mark on blue basckgorund • There is evidence of medical child abuse (also known as Munchausen syndrome)

• The caseworker has an additional question about abuse or neglect that a medical professional may be able to clarify

• Child is under 11 years of age and has a diagnosed Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) and there is not a preponderance of evidence that abuse led to the STD

• Near-fatality cases when the treating physician is not a child abuse pediatrician